TTL SERIES Series 5400/7400 Transistor-Transistor Logic The Ferranti range of TTL integrated circuits is a standard series of medium power general- purpose integrated circuit functions. The range of circuits consists of over 70 functions varying in complexity from the basic quad 2-input NAND gate to a 64 bit random access memory. Other circuit functions include bistables, latches, counters, shift registers, decoders, etc., with operation from DC to, typically, 36 MHz. All circuits are fully inter- changeable with other manufacturers ranges of 54/74 TTL. The characteristics of this range of circuits are high-speed (typical propagation delay 10 ns) combined with medium power dissipation (typically 10 mW per gate). They have a high fan-out capability enabling large capacitive loads to be driven. Input dampening diodes are provided to enhance the high noise immunity when driving transmission lines. The range is available in various package styles for operation over threes temperature ranges. The table below illustrates this. Table 1 No. of Pins Package Style Operating Temp. Range Applications OCto +70C Commercial, Industrial 14, 16, 24 Moulded DIL 40Cto +85C Military (Suffix E) 55C to +125C Military OCto +70C Telecommunications 14, 16, 24 Ceramic DIL 40Cto +85C Military (Suffix J) ~55Cto +125C Military 14,16 - Ceramic Flat- Pack 55C to +125C Military (Suffix For W) Note: See Pages 44, 45, 46 for details of package outlines. t o Voc 3 aka tH 2559; Equivalent Basic Function